Exclusive Distributor of Industrias Cacay Oil for Asia
Grower and Extraction Plant of Cacay Oil in Colombia.
PROPERTY No. 1. Amazing Natural RETINOL content: 1142 IU
It prevents the Oxidative Stress on the skin caused by the UV, which breaks all the Collagen precursors for its production.
PROPERTY No. 2. Omega-6 total natural content after cold-press extraction 74-85 %. Oils on skin are light type, and require renewal, support and moisture Retentive properties for antioxidant effect on the skin. This is a vital function of Cacay on human skin, protection and support.
PROPERTY No. 3. Vitamin E – Isomers- Tocopherols Alpha & Gama content are 575-816 ppm. Preventive Oxidative Stress, a direct Anti-Wrinkles aid.
PROPERTY No. 4. A Natural Emollient and Skin Conditioner for its contents of Sitopherols, and Squalene, which make a content above 60% of all its present sterols, which have the quality of softening or soothing the skin.
100% Pure & Genuine Cacay Oil – Cold Press Extraction
Understanding the basics of skin Aging
The skin’s natural rejuvenation process slows drastically with age and the skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic (Ramos-E-Silva et al 2001). This leads the organism towards premature aging and death, which in turn shall depend on its repair systems. Aging represents a biological attrition at the cellular level. In addition to that, skin aging is influenced by several factors including genetics, environmental exposure (UV radiation, xenobiotics, and mechanical stress), hormonal changes and metabolic processes (generation of reactive chemical compounds such as activated oxygen species, sugars and aldehydes). All factors together act on the alterations of skin structure, function, and appearance. Yet solar UV radiation unquestionably is the single major factor responsible for skin aging (Rittié and Fisher 2002).
Our Products in Colombia
Regenerating Oil and Anti-aging Cacay Oil is a regenerating and anti-aging oil from the Amazon forrest of Colombia.
100% Pure & Genuine Cacay Oil – Cold Press Extraction
The first one with such natural amount of Retinol, Vitamin E, and Skin Omega 6 for an integral support to the Natural Repair system.
The NUTRITIVE AND REPAIRING CREAM OF CACAY contains vitamin A, E, B1, antioxidants and Omega 6 and 9 that protect and moisturize the skin leaving it soft, repairing imperfections in the skin, spots, dark circles and regenerating cells in the face.
Natural product based on cacay oil and exotic Colombian fruits such as Borojó and acai.
- High nutrition
- Repair of imperfections
- Natural tones on your face
- Reduces dark circles and blemishes
- Better elasticity in the face
Regenerating Oil and Anti-aging Cacay Oil is a regenerating and anti-aging oil of 100% natural Amazonian origin, which combines extraordinary properties of Retinol, Vitamin E and Omegas 6 and 9.
- Diminishes skin spots.
- Reduce expression lines.
- Stimulates cell regeneration.
- Improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
- Hydrates and protects your skin.
Body Butter Treatment for wrinkles and stretch marks on the skin
The CACAY BODY BUTTER moisturizes, regenerates and protects the skin, leaving it soft and healthy. Vitamin A and Omegas 6 and 9 stimulate the production of Elastin, facilitating the elasticity of the skin fibers, improving their texture.
Hydrates, regenerates and protects the skin
Improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin
Scientific Research gives argument to elevate Cacay oil love all Anti-aging types.
Some history
Cacay of nuts a very nutritious oil, whose properties make it excellent for skin care is extracted. Since immemorial times, indigenous communities in the Amazon and Orinoco of Colombia have used it for skin and hair care. This project started 5 years ago with the aim of providing the world with the benefits and properties of this exotic oil. Pioneering in the region to have more than 50 hectares and over 10,000 plants planted in own crops, from which we support potential demand within the growing cosmetics industry. Cacay oil gather in a extract and with much greater concentration, the properties offered by other cosmetic oils. More than 65 % of its content is linoleic acid, which is recommended for dry and dehydrated skin, surpassing even the “Argan oil”. Cacay regenerating and Anti-aging oil, has 3 times more content of natural Anti-aging retinol than almond oil, and 2 times more than rosehip oil. Retinol is the anti-aging component that promotes cell regeneration and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which give firmness and elasticity to the skin. Through continued use, the combination of its valuable properties, returns brightness and smoothness to the face. Also, attenuates scars, imperfections caused by sunburn and stains of pregnancy, giving a uniform skin tone. We are leading a change in skin oils preferences. We saw movement from olive to Rosehip, to Argan oil, and now nature and science have unveiled for us Cacay Oil. The process Through a process of cold pressing of the nuts -which guarantees the preservation of their nutritional quality- , the oil for cosmetic use is obtained. also a by-product of the extraction; the —, contains more than 40% of highly digestible protein which has an application in nutraceutical products.
Agroindustrias Cacay CEO and Margeting Manager.
– Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of Amazonian (Ecuador) Caryodendron orinocense Karst. and Bactris gasipaes Kunth seed oils. Radice M1, Viafara D, Neill D, Asanza M, Sacchetti G, Guerrini A, Maietti S. J Oleo Sci. 2014;63(12):1243-50. Epub 2014 Nov 12.
– Evaluation of ‘nuez de barinas’ (caryodendron orinocense) oil for possible use in cosmetic. Pérez de R MN, Alfaro Mde J, Padilla FC. Int J Cosmet Sci. 1999 Jun;21(3):151-8. doi: 10.1046/j.1467-2494.1999.196565.x.
– Caryodendron orinocense (‘nuez de Barinas’) oil: tocopherol content and use in cosmetics. Alfaro Mde J1, Padilla FC, Pérez MN. Int J Cosmet Sci. 2000 Oct;22(5):335-40. doi: 10.1046/j.1467- 2494.2000.00034.x. –
– Functional properties of a protein product from Caryodendron orinocense (Barinas nut). Alfaro Mde J1, Alvarez I, El Khor S, de Padilla FC. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2004 Jun;54(2):223-8.
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